ASA – Flood Advisory Website
The Archive Society of Alberta’s (ASA) Flood Advisory Programme has a webpage offering resources on disaster preparedness, recovery, and preventative care. These resources include a list of supplies for a disaster response kit, resources to monitor extreme weather in Alberta, helpful apps in case of an emergency, and recovery assistance companies, among others. The ASA will continue to update this webpage with other resources including short how-to videos with accompanying guides, covering topics such as packing wet records and mould removal.
Self Help Guide – Economic Development and Non-Profit-Organizations
The Self Help Guide for Economic Development and Non-Profit Organizations has been developed to help groups or organizational entities become non-profit Societies. This document includes information on the following:
• How to incorporate as a non-profit organization;
• How to develop strategic and operational plans;
• Board governance;
• Planning and running meetings;
• How to hire, monitor and evaluate staff—in particular executive directors and directors.
Muttart Foundation – Board Development Workbooks
The Foundation has published or co-published workbooks to help charitable agencies examine their methods of operation and different ways of doing business.
Guidelines for Donating to the City of Edmonton Archives
Do you have a collection that you would like to donate to the City of Edmonton Archives? Here is a tool to help you plan this donation whether as part of your own personal collection or as part of fulfilling the terms of your Heritage Investment Grant project grant.
Heritage Resources Management Program, Athabasca University
The Heritage Resources Management program at Athabasca University program offers both undergraduate and graduate credentials for both aspiring and established heritage professionals.
City of Edmonton – Naming Committee
The Naming Committee approves names for municipal facilities, new neighbourhoods, parks and roads. This involves input from both City administration and citizens.
City of Edmonton – Historic Resources, Sustainable Development
The City of Edmonton is proud of its historical resources and works hard to preserve them. Municipal Historic Resources are buildings or structures that have been designated by Bylaw as buildings or structures, which are legally protected from demolition and from inappropriate changes and alterations.
City of Edmonton – Edmonton Historical Board
The Edmonton Historical Board advises City Council on matters relating to historical issues in Edmonton. The Board’s mission is to encourage, promote and advocate for the preservation and safeguarding of properties, resources, communities and documentary heritage.
Heritage Canada The National Trust
Heritage Canada The National Trust (HCNT), formerly the Heritage Canada Foundation, is a national charity that inspires and leads action to save historic places, and promotes the care and wise use of the historic environment.
Canada’s Historic Places
The Canadian Register of Historic Places (CRHP) is Canada’s definitive source of information on historic places. Here you can not only learn about more than 12,500 historic places, you can also find useful conservation tools, such as the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.
Canadian Heritage Information Network
The Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) allows Canadian museums to connect with each other and their audiences through the use of digital technologies.
Canadian Museums Association
The Canadian Museums Association is the national organization for the advancement of Canadian museums. Today, the CMA has nearly 2,000 members, and supports them with training and professional development programs, conferences, publications, networking opportunities, a body of knowledge, and a dedicated staff.
Archives Society of Alberta
The Archives Society of Alberta (ASA) represents the province’s archival community and those interested in archives. The society provides a forum through which all those engaged or interested in archives work may meet and discuss issues of common interest.
Alberta Museums Association
The Alberta Museums Association (AMA) was founded in 1971 as a non-profit society through which museum workers could meet for the benefit of Alberta’s developing museum community.
Edmonton Heritage Council
The Edmonton Heritage Council is a voice for the city’s memory, an active link between historians, educators, heritage organizations, artists, government and entrepreneurs: everyone who seeks to understand where our history meets our future.
The ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums – International Council of Museums’
ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums was adopted in 1986 and revised in 2004. It establishes the values and principles shared by ICOM and the international museum community. It sets minimum standards of professional practice and performance for museums and their staff.
The Roles and Responsibilities of Museum Board of Trustees – Canadian Museums Association
The Guidelines: Roles and Responsibilities of Museum Boards of Trustees are intended to provide direction to trustees of all Canadian museums whether large or small. Museums are strongly urged to adopt these guidelines and use them to develop and improve internal museum policies with respect to board roles and responsibilities.
The CMA Ethics Guidelines – Canadian Museums Association
Both museums and museum workers have duties, responsibilities and opportunities; and from time to time, they encounter ethical dilemmas and conflicts which must be resolved in a balanced manner, considering both the needs of the institution and the broader public interest.
A Sustainable Development Guide for Canada’s Museums – Canadian Museums Association
Museums exist to preserve and promote culture and natural heritage. Sustainable Development (SD) is about preserving the environment the museums operate in. The integration of sustainable development practices into daily operations goes hand-in-hand with the general mission of museums to preserve, conserve and interpret our world.
Community Engagement Initiative – Alberta Museums Association
Community engagement is now a major transformative force in the museum field. No longer are museums measured and judged by their internal resources — collections, endowments, facilities, and staff — but rather by the external benefits and value they create for the individuals and communities they serve.
Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations
ECVO strengthens, supports, and serves Edmonton’s nonprofit sector. They provide specially designed programs, workshops, and networking opportunities within Greater Edmonton.
Cultural Human Resources Council
Brings together representatives of arts disciplines and cultural industries in the cultural sector to address the training and career development needs of cultural workers. Provides a job board, a youth internship program, human resource tools, and research resources.
Charity Village
Canada’s supersite for the non-profit sector including 3,000 pages of news, training, jobs, information and resources for executives, staffers, donors, and volunteers.
Running a Museum: A Practical Handbook
The Handbook aims to provide an overview of key aspects of museum management. Each chapter provides practical guidelines and is accompanied by supplementary information, such as key technical data and standards, suggestions for practical exercises, and discussion topics for internal use.
Thinking About Starting a Museum? – Alberta Museums Association
A museum is a magnificent addition to a community but it is also a lot of work. Museums protect our heritage for the future but too often they are opened without the resources or commitment needed to be self-sustaining.
Oral Traditions Manual
Knowledge can be passed from one generation to another in a number of ways. It is passed by speaking and also through writing. An oral tradition is the passing of knowledge from one generation to the next orally (by speaking).
Digital Storytelling Cookbook
A resource to help you successfully plan and implement a digital storytelling project.
Interpretation Canada
Heritage interpretation is any communication process designed to reveal meanings and relationships of cultural and natural heritage to the public, through first-hand involvement with an object, artifact, landscape or site.
The Getty Conservation Institute
The Getty Conservation Institute is a private, non-profit institution that works internationally to advance conservation practice through research, education, applied fieldwork, and the dissemination of knowledge.
U.S. National Park Service – Conserve-O-Grams
These provide a great resource on a wide range of conservation issues for different types of materials and object.
Canadian Conservation Institute
The Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) was created in 1972 to promote the proper care and preservation of Canada’s cultural heritage and to advance the practice, science, and technology of conservation. They are the authority on conservation issues across Canada and the world. They offer CCI Notes, workshops and facility assessments.
City of Edmonton
The City of Edmonton provides a diverse range of grants for organizations within the City.
Edmonton Arts Council
The Edmonton Arts Council provides a range of grants to institutions and individuals working in the arts within the City of Edmonton. Of particular interest is the CIP Arts and Museum Building Operating Grant.
Community Initiatives Program
The Community Initiatives Program (CIP) provides funds to enhance and enrich community initiatives throughout Alberta. The program is intended to reinvest revenues generated from provincial lotteries in communities, to empower local citizens, and community organizations to work together and respond to local needs.
Community Facility Enhancement Program
The Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) has been established to assist in fostering the unique characteristics of Alberta’s many communities.
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
From story time at local libraries to annual festivals on neighbourhood streets, the arts are active in your community. Albertans celebrate and support the arts as artists, volunteers, donors, and attendees at local arts events and activities.
Alberta Historical Resources Foundation
The Alberta Historical Resources Foundation (AHRF) was established in 1973 through the Historical Resources Act to promote public awareness and enjoyment of Alberta’s heritage.
Canadian Heritage
The Federal government offers a diverse range of funding for heritage and heritage-related initiatives.